Pizza Plus and Maremix: A Flavor Explosion at Nexxt Expo

Martino Allegra, a Sicilian entrepreneur, was educated as an agronomist and is a farmer at heart. In 2020, driven by a desire to reclaim an abandoned plot of land in Pedara, near Catania, he chose to invest in the land. This decision led to the birth of Azienda Agricola Due Palmenti, a farming enterprise dedicated to aromatic herbs.

While the Catania region primarily leans towards cultivating vineyards and orchards, Martino aimed to introduce a product that was both novel and traditional. He chose aromatic herbs, which are extensively employed across various human activities, from pharmacy to cooking.

His journey began with experimentation in the field. Oregano was the first aromatic herb to be cultivated, followed by mint, marjoram, and lesser-known herbs like savory, an excellent chili substitute given its milder spiciness.

In 2022 came the real leap in quality: Due Palmenti inaugurated a processing facility, effectively covering the entire supply chain. This pivotal move allowed the company to begin producing unique and instantly popular mixes.

The hallmark of their business became the flavor enhancers, stemming from traditional Sicilian recipes. Prominent among them are “salamarigghiu“, made with oregano and perfect for grilling meat and fish, and “zogghiu“, an ancient recipe of Arab-Maltese origin, traditionally used by fishermen to season their catch.

Rounding up their catalogue are special preparations like Pizza Plus and Maremix, products designed to elevate the flavors of any dish.

Within the specialty line, Trinacria Snack stands out – a blend encapsulating Sicily’s contrasting tastes and smells: almonds, hazelnuts, cold-dried cherry tomatoes with PDO certification, orange peel from the Catania Plain, and a sprinkle of marjoram.

At the heart of the entire operation lies the care and love the Allegra family pours into their work. The 6.2-acre land is treated using traditional methods and timelines:

It begins with fertilization, ensuring the soil remains fertile, brimming with nutrients and organic matter.

This is followed by transplanting the young seedlings, typically done in autumn or spring, contingent on climatic conditions.

Harvesting, the most delicate phase, follows nature’s rhythm and dictates the finished product’s quality.

Drying is done in dedicated shaded greenhouses.

The production process concludes with processing and packaging, after which the herbs are ready for shipment.

For now, Due Palmenti primarily targets the Italian market. However, their objective is to shift focus to international partners. Over time, they’ve already fostered significant collaborations with foreign countries, mainly Germany and France.

The farm’s products will be showcased at the Nexxt Expo in Los Angeles from October 19 to 22. Visitors can savor their creations at a dedicated stand at the Sicily Show, organized by IoComproSiciliano for the event.

Particularly, visitors will find the flavor enhancers, including Pizza Plus, Maremix, and Aromix, along with the indispensable oregano, the business’s true flagship product.