Frida, a Mexican Icon

"Frida Kahlo, Portrait of a Life." From June 8 to September 30, 2022, the Ludovico Corrao Museum of Contemporary Art in Gibellina will host the exhibition on the great Mexican artist

Featuring one hundred and fifty original photographs, the exhibition tells about the life, art, friendships, loves and times of Frida Kahlo, one of the most important twentieth-century artists. The shots that testify to the extraordinary life of Kahlo, who was born in 1907 in Mexico City and died in her home country in 1954, were taken by some of the greatest photographers of her time, many of whom went on to become legendary names in photography: Imogen, Cunningham, Edward Weston, Nickolas Muray, Lucienne Bloch, Leo Matiz, NicKolas, Muray.


Curated by Vincenzo Sanfo and Tanino Bonifacio, the exhibition will be hosted in the “Mario Schifano” rooms, in an ideal dialogue with the paintings by the Italian pop art master. The exhibition will give visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves and learn about the free and untamed personality of a woman who found in painting a form of passionate, instinctive storytelling profoundly affected by the events of her life.


These photos capture the key moments of the artist’s life, including the passions and suffering that dotted the existence of a painter who became an icon of our time and of that art that heals wounds and soothes the pains of life. Photos in black and white, others in color, narrate Frida’s life from childhood to her encounter with the great Mexican muralist Diego Rivera who changed, for better or for worse, her human and artistic destiny.


The exhibition will also feature photos taken by the artist’s father, Guillermo Kahlo, a well-known Mexican photographer, who immortalized his daughter in her private dimension of pain, as well as in moments of happiness, surrounded by the people dearest to her.


The exhibition is promoted by the Municipality of Gibellina and organized by Diffusione Italia International Group.


Open Tuesday through Sunday, 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Cost of tickets: 12 and 8 euros.